<안내> 뉴스통신진흥회 후원 '미디어 기술변화에 따른 미디어의 의제설정 역할의 변화' 세미나
관리자 | 2010. 10. 01
1. 회원님들의 건승을 기원합니다.
2. 한국언론학회는 뉴스통신진흥회의 후원으로 오는 12월 13-14일 미국 하와이대학에서 <미디어 기술변화에 따른 미디어의 의제설정 역할의 변화 (Agedna Setting in Flux: The impact of new communication technology on changing role of traditional media in agenda setting process)>에 관한 국제세미나를 개최합니다. 세미나 세부주제 및 발제자 공모(paper call)는 <다음>과 같습니다.
문의는 최영재(한림대, 하와이대 초빙교수 / 1-808-428-4510 (U.S) / yyjjchoi@hotmail.com, yjchoi@hallym.ac.kr), 손영준(국민대 / 010-9391-5671 / yoson@kookmin.ac.kr)으로 해주시기 바랍니다.
<다 음>
International Conference on
Agenda Setting in Flux: The impact of new communication technology on changing role of traditional media in agenda setting process.
Date : December 13-14, 2010
Venue : Center for Korean Studies (CKS), UniversityofHawaiiatManoa,
Host : Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies (KSJCS)
Co-Host : Department of Speech & Center for Korean Studies, UniversityofHawaiiatManoa
Korean American Communication Association (KACA)
Sponsor : Korea News Agency Promotion Foundation
International Conference on Agenda Setting In Flux: The Impact Of New Communication
Technology On Changing Role Of Traditional News Media In Agenda Setting rocess will be held during December 13 and 14, 2010 in Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S. This conference will highlight evolving roles of traditional news media in the agenda-setting process in the face of today’s ever changing news media environment. Specifically, the conference aims to bring together studies that document and explain the different courses of evolution of the traditional news media in various countries.
News and journalism are in a state of flux. The digital age, along with the World Wide Web and the Internet and more recently social media, is permanently altering the news media landscape, challenging traditional news models in terms of news production, circulation, usage and cultural meanings in a society. Given these paradigmatic shifts in the news media industry, the way political, media and public agenda of issues are formulated has gone through dramatic changes. Many are concerned about how the diversified but polarized new media environments influence national agendas to make them more divided and fragmented.
There are many questions as to how the role played by traditional media in setting a coherent national agenda is undergoing significant changes. Also, the role of citizens in forming public agenda is also changing. Citizens are distracted by ‘infotainments’ provided by the media corporation to boost their revenues, and may be overwhelmed by the flood of vast amount of information available on the Internet. On the other hand, their ability to actively participate in news production and to influence political and media agenda has increased. In sum, the amalgamation of new communication technology into the existing news media system drastically changes the way traditional news media and the public formulate their agendas of issues.
These changes and trends in agenda setting process are taking places all over the world, but in different shapes and formats. Thus, this conference seeks to provide a forum for comparative analyses of what is happening in the traditional agenda setting process in different countries all over the world in the face of new media eco-systems. The conference aims to stimulate scholarly exchange of different perspectives and to facilitate better understanding of a paradigmatic change in news media and its consequences in national agenda-setting process.
The conference organizers welcome contributions on topics including (but not limited to):
Comparative analysis of the changes in traditional media’s role in agenda-setting in different countries (u.s. , korea, china, singapore etc)
The impact of new media technologies on the change in agenda setting.
Changes in news gathering practices and their impact on agenda setting process
The public’s news usages and its impacts on agenda setting process
Role of news agencies in changing agenda setting environments
Journalism, democracy and the public sphere in changing agenda setting environments.
Any theoretical development regarding changing agenda setting process
The conference organizers want to encourage a vigorous dialogue between various fields of study (e.g. journalism, audience studies, cultural studies, organizational communication etc). Submissions of papers from professional journalists are also welcome.
Those who are interested in participating in the conference should submit an extended abstract (400 to 500 words) or a full paper by 20th Oct. 2010 to or .Once accepted, the completed paper will be due no later than November30,2010.
Upon acceptance as a speaker, two-day hotel accommodations, program-related meals, and a partial subsidy of airfare to and from Hawaiiwillbeprovided.
For more information, please contact:
Choi, Young Jae
/ Organizer,
/ Associate Professor, HallymUniversity,Korea
/ Visiting Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa
T : 1-808-428-4510 (U.S)
E-mail: yyjjchoi@hotmail.com/ yjchoi@hallym.ac.kr
Conference Organizing Committee
Choi, Young Jae, Associate Professor, HallymUniversity,Korea
Lee, Hye-ryeon, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Humanities, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Park, Sung Hee, Associate Professor, Ehwa women’s University.
Kim, Jang Hyun, Assistant Professor, UniversityofHawaiiatManoa
Son, Young Jun, Associate Professor, Kookmin University, Korea
Aune, R. Kelly, Professor and Chair, Department of Speech, University of HawaiiatManoa,