[안내] KACA(Korean American Communication Association) 개최 안내
관리자 | 2016. 03. 15
1. 회원님들의 건승을 기원합니다.
2. KACA(Korean American Communication Association) <다 음>과 같이 안내합니다. 관심있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
<다 음>
Korean American Communication Association
Call for 2016 NCA Papers
The National Communication Association (NCA) will hold its 102nd Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 10-13, 2016. The Korean American Communication Association (KACA) invites individual papers for three competitive research sessions, which are one traditional KACA Competitive Research session and two joint research/panel sessions with Chinese Communication Association (CCA).
We invite submissions of papers broadly related to all areas of Korean and/or Korean-American communication themes, including but not limited to intercultural/international communication; new technologies and social media influence on communities; and contemporary communication issues in health, science, environment, sports, or entertainment. The submission of papers pursuing the convention theme, “Communication’s Civic Callings,” is encouraged. The KACA embraces all theoretical and methodological approaches to research.
We accept three types of submissions:
1. Individual Paper Submission
a. Full length completed research papers. No more than 25 double-spaced pages, excluding references, tables, and figures. Work already presented, published or accepted for presentation or publication should not be submitted. All papers must include a title and a 250-word abstract. Only full length completed papers are eligible for top research awards (a certificate and a small cash prize).
b. Extended abstracts. 2-3 single-spaced pages, plus references. Abstracts can include research ideas in development or research in-progress. If accepted, participants are expected to send the full paper to the session planner no later than 6 weeks before the convention. A title, author(s) information and keywords are also required on a title page.
2. Panel proposal. Panel proposals should include a title, a rationale (2-3 single-spaced pages), a description for the conference program (250 words), a list of names and institutions of panelists, and brief summary of each paper/presentation. Panels should avoid single institution representation.
All submissions will be blind reviewed by three referees/reviewers with expertise in the area. Submitters MUST DELETE ALL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION before submitting a paper, abstract, or panel proposals. AV requests must be made at the time of submission to be considered.
Please submit your work online using the NCA Submission Central. All submissions must be made by March 30 (Wednesday), 2016 at 11:59 PM Pacific.
Submitters do not need to be a member of the NCA or the KACA to submit a paper/abstract/proposal for the sessions. However, if accepted, at least one author will need to (1) register for the conference and (2) attend the conference to present the work.
Questions about the call should be directed to the session planner:
Ji Young Kim, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2550 Campus Road Crawford 309
Honolulu, HI, 96822
Email: jkim22@hawaii.edu