[안내] 재미언론학회 40주년 기념 Conference 개최 안내
관리자 | 2018. 04. 16
1. 회원님들의 건승을 기원합니다.
2. 재미언론학회에서는 40주년 기념 학회를 개최합니다. 이에 <다 음>과 같이 안내드리오니 회원님들의 많은 관심과 참여바랍니다.
<다 음>
Call for Papers
The KACA’s 40th Anniversary Conference & AEJMC
Thursday, August 9, 2018, Washington, D.C.
Conference Theme:
Renewed Role of the Press in Building, Transforming,
and Restoring Democracy: Korea and Beyond
The Korean American Communication Association (KACA) invites paper submissions for its 40th anniversary conference on August 9, 2018 and for KACA research sessions during the annual meeting of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), August 6 – 9, 2018. Both KACA’s 40th anniversary conference and KACA research sessions will be at Renaissance Washington DC.
For the 40th anniversary conference, papers that address the conference theme are particularly welcome, but submissions in any areas of communication research on Korea-related topics are encouraged as well. For AEJMC’s KACA sessions, any communications research on Korea-related topics is welcome. The theme of the 40th anniversary conference, “Renewed Role of the Press in Building, Transforming, and Restoring Democracy: Korea and Beyond” aims to facilitate our scholarly discussions on renewed role of the press in changing media and political environments in Korea and elsewhere.
Though compromised from time to time, freedom of the press has become an essential part of Korean politics. Nonetheless, the contribution of the press to Korean democracy continues to be the subject of intense debate among scholars, political elites, and average citizens. Particularly, the recent turmoil in Korean politics presents need to reassess the role of the press not only in building but in transforming and restoring democracy. Also, the wide availability of digital platforms for social networking has fundamentally changed the way citizens become politically engaged, redefining the notion of democratic citizenship. Any potential mismatch between new democratic citizenship and current journalism further justifies need to investigate renewed role of the press in Korea and in other democracies.
As the media have power to influence national political discourse, the notion of free and open media is essential to a healthy democracy. KACA seeks to bring together regional and international media scholars to discuss issues relating to media and democracy and to propose solutions to problems (if any) identified in Korea and in Asian and other countries. Our emphasis on democracy is intended to link up with various communication theories and research approaches that take on the interplay of democracy and media as presented through any forms of data or perspectives. Any topics linking the media to democracy are welcome, including but not limited to:
- Whether/how free media serve or harm democracy once they have been established.
- How to conceptualize and operationalize media’s contribution to democracy. What are potential indicators?
- How traditional and/or emerging media have (re)shaped democratic citizenship, particularly the way citizens obtain and share information and the way they participate in democratic decision making.
- How to (re)conceptualize freedom, democracy, and justice in the 21st century media and political environment.
- How to (re)conceptualize the watchdog, guard dog, and lapdog role of the press in the 21st century media and political environment.
- How new technology affects the principles of democratic journalism and the notion of freedom of the press.
- How market principles and competitions affect journalistic practices.
- The relationship between the media and the government and its potential consequences.
- How new democratic citizenship and changing media environment affect political campaigns and elections.
- The relationship between the media, political activism, and social movement.
- How to preserve freedom of expression and the public sphere in the new media environment.
- Private and public ownership of media organizations and implications for democracy.
- Unintended outcomes of new technologies (e.g., digital divide, fake news, data journalism, Virtual Reality, Artificial Reality, Mixed Reality) and implications for democracy.
- How social and mobile media have changed political communication and how traditional media can complement or compete with the newer forms of technology.
- The role of alternative and independent media outlets as they relate to democratic processes.
- Histories of media reform movements
- Media policies and regulations designed to arrange for democratic communication.
Submission Guidelines
1. Deadline: All submissions must be made no later than on Friday, April 20, 11:59 pm, EST, 2018.
2. Categories of Submissions: Two categories of submissions will be accepted: full papers (20 pages plus tables, figures, and references) or extended abstracts (4-5 pages plus references, tables, and figures), though full papers are preferred. Extended abstracts should contain literature review, research questions/hypothesis, method section, and findings. Abstracts only with literature review or research questions/hypotheses will not be considered.
3. Author Identification: Names and other information that may identify the author(s) should not appear anywhere in the paper other than on the cover page.
4. Cover page: The cover page should include the following information: Title, names of the authors, affiliations, mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers.
5. Submission Method: All submissions should be in either MS Word or PDF format and sent by email to seok.kang@utsa.edu.
6. Selected papers will be assigned to either the 40th Anniversary Session (August 9) or the KACA-AEJMC Session (TBD) for presentation. Papers that receive the best reviews will be recognized with awards for both sessions.
Additional information about the KACA and the conference can be found at http://www.thekaca.org/about-kaca/. For inquiries regarding the call for papers, please contact the Program Committee:
Seok Kang, seok.kang@utsa.edu, Seihill Kim, KIM96@mailbox.sc.edu, or Gi Woong Yun, gyun@unr.edu.