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[안내] 서울대학교 아시아연구소 Call-For-Papers, The 2nd International Workshop 안내

관리자 | 2018. 05. 31

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The 2nd International Workshop




Jan. 8(Wed) – 10(Thu), 2019

Paris Diderot University, France



l’UFR Langues et Civilisations d’Asie Orientale, Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7), France



Asia Center, Seoul National University, Korea

Center for Korean Studies, Ritsumeikan University, Japan



The Academy of Korean Studies

Asia Center, Seoul National University



This project began in 2017 as a way to bring scholars across the continents together to discuss

national, regional, and global dynamics of hate speech from diverse viewpoints that include

the political, legal, historical, ideological and religio-cultural perspectives. To this end, it

focuses on the cases of hate speech in European and Asian societies. Through the first

workshop which was held at Ritsumeikan University in Japan, we have explored the contours

of hate speech in different Asian and European countries. Around 30 insightful papers from 8

different countries were presented as a collaborative dialogue on the hate speech and some

of them are on its way to publication via a journal special issue and an edited volume.

This year, the workshop will continue and expand on this conversation by considering acute

tension surrounding hate speech issues around the world. How should democratic societies

respond to such persistent problem as well as to the broader forms of “othering” that motivate

hate speech? How can we counter it? It seems to us that neither the cause of nor cure for this

pernicious phenomenon is well appreciated in the context of today’s globalized world. With

this workshop which consists of a 2-day paper presentation session and a half-day roundtable

session, we expect to explore hate speech phenomenon as a complex web of historical

injustices, economic inequalities, religious tensions, socio-political ideologies and emerging

democratic challenges, as well as divergent legal constructions.

This research project is intended not only to show similarities in this global phenomenon

observed beyond the political and geographical boundaries, but also to distinguish differences

in the historical, legal and cultural foundation of each nation-state that cause and maintain the

expression and structure of the discrimination. The comparative nature of this collaborative

research will help fill in blind spots and lead to better informed and more sophisticated and

practical recommendations for the prevention of hate speech in many Eastern and Western



We invite paper proposals from different approaches such as media studies, history, sociology,

anthropology, political science, legal studies, religious studies that examine, but not restricted

to, the following questions:


● What are the current contours of hate speech in different Asian and European societies?

● How can we best respond to the challenges presented by hate speech in ways that promote

a just and peaceful society?

● What are alternative strategies for managing the public sphere against hate speech?

● How is hate speech defined and delimited in law and public policy in Asian and European


● What are the differences and similarities in the phenomenon of hate speech between

Europe and Asia?

● What are the legal and discursive characteristics of individual societies in dealing with hate


● What are the most urgent issues regarding hate speech in Asia and Europe?

● How is mass media, especially the Internet, employed in expressing hatred against different


● Why do ethnicity, sexuality or religion act as flashpoints in hate speech?

● In what forms are the abuse of power detected in European and Asian societies? (e.g. Gapjil

in South Korea)


We are pleased to provide presenters with partial subsidies for accommodation and travel

expenses depending on funding availability and participant’s needs. We intend to publish

selected papers from the workshop as a journal special issue and/or an edited volume with a

reputable academic press.




1. Deadline: Please submit your proposal with a title, an abstract of not more than 500 words

and a list of references, together with your name, position, institutional affiliation and email

address by August 31, 2018. (Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by September 20, 2018)


2. Submission method: Send in MS Word via email to


3. Final papers: Paper presenters are requested to submit full papers by December 15, 2018.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions regarding this workshop.


Organizing Committee:

Professor Myungkoo KANG, Seoul National University, Korea

Professor Jaejin LEE, Hanyang University, Korea

Professor Marie-Orange RIVÉ-LASAN, Université Paris Diderot, France

Associate Professor Wooja KIM, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

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