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[안내] International Journal of Communication, special issue 논문 공모 안내

관리자 | 2018. 08. 16

1. 회원님들의 건승을 기원합니다.


2.  International Journal of Communication에서 special issue를 발행하여 논문을 공모합니다. 이에 <다  음>과 같이 안내드리오니, 관심 있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.



<다  음>



Talking With the 'Hermit Regime': North Korea, Media, and Communication


Guest Editors:

Seungahn Nah (University of Oregon)

Soomin Seo (Temple University)



North Korea remains an under-explored region in communication research. Even among the more authoritarian and dictatorial regimes of the world, the country stands out with its government’s tight grip on the movement and communication of its citizens (who lack Internet access) and outsiders alike. This — coupled with the physical isolation of the Pyongyang regime in the global arena — has made it difficult for scholars to produce meaningful research about North Korea. With the exception of a small body of scholarship on foreign media coverage and Pyongyang’s state propaganda, scholarly work on communications and media about, within and around North Korea is virtually nonexistent.

In recent years, however, the country has slowly moved to end its decades-long isolation. North Korea has invited more foreign visitors, including Western journalists at the AP and AFP who have been allowed to set up permanent bureaus in the capital. The North Korean government has lifted cellular phone restrictions for the general public, resulting in over 70% of Pyongyang citizens having access. In 2018, the young North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has engaged in fast-paced diplomacy, meeting with the US President Donald Trump and the South Korean President Moon Jae-in, as well as the Chinese President Xi Jinping. Such exchanges are hoped to result in increased communication between the “Hermit Regime” and the outside world. Given the historic and geopolitical significance of such developments, North Korea is emerging as an important site of scholarly inquiry.  

The goal of this proposed special issue on International Journal of Communication is to call for theoretically and methodologically sound scholarship that register this shift in North Korea and examine causes, components, and civic consequences of a uniquely oppressed and isolated — but rapidly-changing — country. Such an examination presents important practical implications and policy applications.


This special issue addresses the following major questions:

1. How can we conceptualize and theorize changes in the media in and about North Korea in recent years?

2. What are the roles of communication/rhetoric — any specific factors related to media (new or traditional), messages (symbolism, keywords, or tropes), context/situation, — or speakers or audiences in a changing North Korea?

3. What are the emerging norms, practices and routines with regards to the production and consumption of new and traditional, as well as formal and informal/underground media?

4. How are the changes in media and journalism impacting diverse communities —  regional, class, gender etc. — within North Korea as well as with neighboring countries, including China, South Korea, Russia, and Japan?


The special issue editors would welcome submissions addressing the following topics:

1. Studies on post-2000 developments regarding media and communication in North Korea, both internally as well as externally, including diplomatic developments;

2. Theoretical and conceptual work on doing communication research in and about North Korea, qualitative as well as quantitative;

3. Comparative work on media and politics in North Korea and the Socialist Bloc, including China, former Soviet Union, and East Germany


We particularly encourage media and communication-related research from diverse scholarly traditions including (but not limited to) political science, journalism studies, sociology, history, Asian studies, psychology, science and technology studies, public relations, advertising and gender studies.


Submission Guidelines:

Please submit an extended abstract of 1,000 words with 5-6 keywords. Abstracts must be in MS Word (.doc) format with a title page that includes the title of the paper, full names, affiliations, email addresses, telephone numbers, complete addresses, and biographical sketches of all authors.

Manuscripts must contain original material which has not been previously published elsewhere or is not currently under consideration by another journal.

All manuscripts will go through a blind, peer-reviewed process so no indicators of authorship should appear in the texts.

Please refer to the full submission guidelines available at:

Manuscripts should be submitted directly via email to


•    Submission deadline for abstracts: September 30, 2018

•    Editorial decision: October 30, 2018

•    Full manuscript deadline: February 28, 2019

•    Final revision deadline: April 30, 2019

•    Anticipated publication date: July/August 2019

  1. 이전글
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