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[안내] 서울대학교 BK21 FOUR "자유롭고 책임있는 AI 미디어" 교육연구단 & 언론정보연구소, <해외저명학자 초청 특강> 개최 안내

관리자 | 2022. 01. 27

1. 회원 여러분의 건승을 기원합니다.


2. 서울대학교 BK21 FOUR "자유롭고 책임있는 AI 미디어" 교육연구단과 언론정보연구소에서 <해외저명학자 초청 특강>을 개최합니다이에 다음과 같이 안내해 드리니관심 있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.



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- 일시: 2월 9일 (수) 오전 10:00 - 11:30
- 접속 링크 

- 강연자: Nathan Walter (Northwestern University)

- 제목: A Meta-Analytic Perspective on the Spread of Fake News, Conspiracy Theories, and Pseudoscientific BS: How Powerful Is It, Why Does It Happen, and How to Stop It

- 내용: In the contemporary media environment individuals often encounter myths, falsehoods, rumors, reporting errors, and conspiracy theories deliberately or inadvertently circulated by the media, governments, and other interest groups. These types of dis/misinformation pose a substantial challenge, and, in some cases, can result in physical harm, or even death. To this end, massive efforts are devoted to debunk misinformation; yet, scientific evidence of the effectiveness of these measures appear to be inconsistent. While some studies have found that corrective information can successfully debunk falsehoods, other studies suggest that individuals may struggle to discount misinformation, and, in some cases, correction attempts can even backfire by increasing support for the discredited position. Dr. Walter will present findings from his ongoing work on the continued influence of misinformation and the ability of nonpartisan fact-checkers to challenge the veracity of false information. The talk will also explore various psychological mechanisms that underlie these effects and provide specific recommendations for more effective correction efforts. 

- 강연자 소개: Nathan Walter is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University. He is Founder and Director of the Center of Media Psychology and Social Influence (COM-PSI) and a faculty member at the Center for Communication and Health (CCH), both at Northwestern. Walter’s research concerns the power of strategic storytelling, correction of misinformation, and the role of emotion and affect in social influence. His studies have been published in a number of leading outlets, including the Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Human Communication Research, and Communication Monographs. His most recent work, which is supported by the NIH/FDA, the Peterson Foundation, and the Delaney Foundation, focuses on novel methods to debunk misinformation.  
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