[안내] 연세대 커뮤니케이션대학원 BK21플러스 사업팀, <석학 초청 강연: Nick Couldry> 커뮤니케이션연구소, 언론홍보영상학부공동 주최 안내
관리자 | 2018. 11. 01
1. 회원님들의 건승을 기원합니다.
2. 연세대학교 커뮤니케이션대학원 BK21플러스 사업팀, 커뮤니케이션연구소, 언론홍보영상학부 공동으로<석학 초청 강연: Nick Couldry>을 개최합니다. 이에 <다 음>과 같이 안내 드리오니 관심 있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
<다 음>
3. 초록: This lecture will draw on Dr. Couldry’s forthcoming book with Ulises Mejias (SUNY Oswego), The Costs of Connection: How Data Colonizes Human Life and Appropriates it for Capitalism (Stanford University Press 2019). The lecture will argue, in general terms, that the role of data in society needs to be grasped as not only a development of capitalism, but as the start of a new phase in human history that rivals in importance the emergence of historic colonialism: in short, the emergence of a new data colonialism, based on the appropriation of human life through data, that will pave the way for a new capitalism that it is as yet too early to name. The extent of today’s transformations of human life can only be grasped bifocally, as both a new colonialism and a continuation/extension of capitalism. More specifically, the lecture will argue that this development must be resisted, not only as an extension of capitalist exploitation of human life for profit, but also as the violation of the very basis of human autonomy. The continuous tracking and surveillance of human subjects on which data colonialism depends disrupts the space of the self, the space into which the self continuously grows. Continuous tracking installs the tools of an external system into the self’s interiority, and so damages that interiority, with implications for the values of autonomy and freedom and for all social and political systems based upon them.