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[안내] 한국사회학회, Association of Korean Sociologists in America(AKSA) 연례 컨퍼런스 개최

관리자 | 2019. 04. 04

1. 회원님의 건승을 기원합니다.

2. 한국사회학회에서 Association of Korean Sociologists in America(AKSA) 연례 컨퍼런스를 개최합니다. 이에 <다  음>과 같이 안내드리오니, 관심 있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

<다  음>

1. 2019 AKSA Conference Registration is Open! 

Save the date for the AKSA conference which will take place on August 9 (Friday) at Hunter College in NYC. This year's theme is "Sexual Politics, Gender Justice" and we will have plenary panels on gender and sexual politics and social change, and understanding Korean society through gender lens. We accept a wider range of topics for roundtables and attendees will have opportunities for networking throughout the day and dinner. 

Conference registration can be done on AKSA home page. 

2. Membership Update

We are currently updating the list of AKSA members. Even if you are on our email list, if your affiliation has been changed, please fill out the membership form using this link. 

3. Call for Mentoring Program 

The AKSA mentoring program will serve as a “matchmaking service,” pairing graduate students with more senior scholars who can provide advice and support. We encourage individuals at various career stages to participate as either mentors or mentees (or both) in our program. Please sign up the mentoring program by using this link by May 30, 2019.

4. Call for Student Awards

The AKSA Graduate Student Paper Award is given for an outstanding graduate student paper on a topic of Korea or Koreans/Korean Diaspora (all broadly defined), and work published in an English language journal in 2018/2019, or work of publishable quality. Authors may nominate themselves, or other AKSA members may do so. The author(s) must be the member of the AKSA at the time of submission. The graduate student must be the 1st author of the paper. To nominate a paper, send (1) a PDF file of the paper, (2) a brief letter (PDF or MSWord) justifying the nomination, and (3) contact information for the nominee (including email), to each member of the selection committee.  The submission deadline is May 30, 2019. 

The members of the Graduate Student Paper Award Committee are: 

Chair: Hae Yeon Choo  

Department of Sociology 

University of Toronto

Seongsoo Choi  

Department of Sociology 

Sungkyunkwan University

Minwoo Jung 

Department of Sociology 

University of Southern California

5. Call for Abstracts for Roundtables 


The AKSA welcomes abstract submissions for roundtable sessions at the 2019 AKSA’s annual meeting. The Roundtable sessions are great opportunities to share  your ongoing research endeavors with other AKSA members.

Please submit your abstract here.  

Email questions to the Roundtable organizers, Hae Yeon Choo ( or Chaeyoon Lim ( 

6. Call for News/ Announcements for Spring Newsletter 

If you have any items that you want to be included in our next AKSA newsletter, please send it to by May 15. News items include job placements, promotions, publications, grants & honors, and other announcements. We also would like to highlight members who will be on the market next year. If you want to be included in that, please send us your picture and your bio (up to 300 words). 


초록 모집 

북미 한인사회학자 모임 (Association for Korean Sociologists in North America, AKSA) 학회 라운드테이블 초록 모집 

2019년 전미사회학회와 함께 오는 8월 9일 (금요일) 뉴욕에서 개최되는 북미 한인 사회학자 모임(AKSA) 연례 학회에서 라운드테이블 세션을 위한 논문 초록을 모집합니다. 본 모임의 라운드테이블 세션은 AKSA 회원들의 연구 성과를 공유하고 학술적 교류를 장려하기 위한장입니다. 

초록 (단어 300자까지) 제출 마감일은 2019년 4월 30일 (화요일)이며, 주제 영역에는 제한이 없습니다. (한국 및 미주 한인과 관련되지 않은 주제도 가능합니다.) 

선정 결과 및 라운드테이블 발표자, 사회/토론자 명단은 2019년 5월 31일 발표 예정이며, 선정되신 발표자 분들은 논문 요약문(1000자까지)을 본인의 라운드테이블에 속한 발표자들 및 해당 라운드테이블에 배정된 토론자에게 7월 31일까지 보내주시기 바랍니다. 

초록 제출 링크:

라운드테이블 관련 질문은 아래 AKSA 라운드테이블 준비위원회로 연락주십시오. 


AKSA 라운드테이블 준비위원회 드림 



  1. 이전글
    [안내] 언론중재위원회, 해외언론법제연구 용역 공모
  2. 다음글
    [안내] 한국여성커뮤니케이션학회, <미디어, 젠더&문화> 34권 2호 논문 공모